How To Play Online Blackjack (In 3 Minutes!)

Online Blackjack is one of the most played casino games in the world, and with good reason: it’s the simplest to learn and it’s quite fun to play. Blackjack, also known as “twenty-one” in Nevada casinos, is a card game in which the objective is for the player to get a hand which is less than or equal to 21. The player’s hand needs to be higher than the bankers hand and not exceed 21- otherwise the player busts. In Britain the word “Black Jack” is used to refer to a different game that is similar to crazy eights.

Throughout this article I will explain the basic house rules of online Blackjack that are commonly found in most online casinos. It is important for players to note that there are different kinds of Blackjack and the rules differ. Players should check what the rules are for the variation of Blackjack they will be playing at their chosen online casino.

How to play blackjack - the basics


Step 1: What You Will Need to Play Online Blackjack:

To play Blackjack you will need the following:

  1. Cards: Blackjack is played with a standard 52 card deck with no joker cards in it.
  2. A Player: To successfully execute a game of online Blackjack, you will need a player, in this case yourself.
  3. A dealer: Online Blackjack is a two-player game where the player plays against the dealer, in this case your online casino.
  4. Money: To start this Blackjack game, you will need to deposit money into your online casino account in order to make bets.
  5. Table: Blackjack is played around a specially designed table that can accommodate up to 7 players and one dealer.

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